Draped and Capped Bust Quarters

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Variety attributions (B) and rarity are as listed in Browning, A.W. The Early Quarter Dollars of the United States, 1796-1838, updated by Walter Breen 1992, Bowers and Merena Galleries.

There are 4 Coins for Sale. New coin(s) added on January 23, 2025

Photo Date Grade TPG Variety GFRC Rating Price Description Buy
Draped Bust
There are currently no coins for sale fitting this criteria.
Capped Bust
Capped Bust  1818 1818
Choice $1650 Excellent Type Candidate, Thick Crusty Gray, Choice Surfaces, CAC Approved, Sooner Collection. Reverse Die State 3, The 1818 Capped Bust quarter issue is ideal for type collectors as 361,000 were produced that year, a substantial output for that period. Though relativiely available, all Capped Bust quarters are scarce when strictly original. Thick crust is the perfect description for this Sooner Collection release that was previously sourced from GFRC back in March 2023 at the Spring Baltimore show. Note the "dirt" on Liberty, especially her cheek, and covering the reverse eagle as a testament to the unquestionable originality. Surfaces are unblemished during a carefuly 10x review. Both dies are lightly clashed with a vertical die crack through the 2 digit. This lot comes highly recommended... Housed in PCGS Gen 6.0 (2015-2020) holder with CAC approval.
Capped Bust  1831 1831
Small Letters
B-1 DS4
Choice $950 New January 23! Wonderfully Original, Crusty Tan-Gray Patina, Lakeland Collection. This 1831 B-1 Capped Bust half is fully choice and should be crossed into a PCGS holder as my starting comment. Both sides are consistently toned with a crusty tan-gray skin while the underlying surfaces are pristine. This is a Die State 4 example with bold die cracks throughout the lower reverse and two olive berries, the upper berry being located on the top of the tail feathers. The overall strike is strong with a meticulously detailed reverse. I really like this piece and believe you will also. Housed in new ANACS yellow label holder.
Capped Bust  1831 1831
Small Letters
Choice $385 Crusty Gray Toning, Choice Surfaces, Typical Strike. "Crusty" immediately comes to mind when first viewing this well preserved 1831 B-2 Capped Bust quarter. The obverse skin is quite thick and forms an undisturbed layer across devices and fields. The lighter toned reverse offers steely luster and golden overtones. There are a few well hidden field marks seen with a 10x. A solid piece that warrants a GFRC-Choice quality rating. Housed in PCGS Gen 4.4 (2005-2011) holder. A new buyback that returns to the price list.
Capped Bust  1834 1834
Choice $1915 Rarest 1834 Die Pairting, Steely Luster, Gray Patina, Choice Surfaces, Lakeland Collection. Consignor Pricing Reduction. The just released Lakeland Collection lot is the rarest of the five 1834 die pairings per the Browning research (B-5) with an R5 rarity rating. As significant as the rarity is, the piece is a fine example with choice original surfaces. A bright light session exposes steely fields that are consistent on both sides, yet another validation of strict originality. Toning is a light gray with a mottled texture. This lot is ideal for those assembling a collection of rare die varieties across the early silver coinage spectrum. Housed in new large font NGC holder. The label captures the B-5 die variety attribution.