Patterns, Flying Eagle, Indian Head and Lincoln Cents

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There are 12 Coins for Sale. New coin(s) added on February 16, 2025

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Flying Eagle
Flying Eagle 1C 1858 1858
Large Letters
Choice $1200 New February 16! Large Letters, Steely-Frosted Luster, Golden Brown Toning, Well Struck, Eagle Eye Approved. This 1858 Large Letter Flying Eagle cent excels during bright light assessment. The darker shades transition to light golden brown with steely-frosted luster radiating from both sides. Surfaces are essentially unabraded and pleasing during 10x inspection. The obverse center strike is hammered with elevated breast feathers. Housed in PCGS Gen 3.1 (1993-1998) old green holder with the all important Eagle Eye Photo Seal bean on the holder. This bean indicates that noted Flying Eagle and Indian Cent specialty dealer, Rick Snow, has given his approval of the grade and originality. Included with the purchase is the Photo Seal plastic card hand signed by Rick Snow. Please note that the old green holder is worn with holder haze primarily on the upper obverse.
Indian Head
Indian 1C 1857 1857
Obverse Clash With 50C
FS-402 Choice $950 New December 21! Obverse Clash With 50C, Rich Chocolate Brown, Choice Original. Die variety aficionados should take note of this multi-denomination die clashed 1857 Flying eagle cent, a renowned variety for its distinctive attributes The obverse die has been clashed with a Liberty Seated half dollar leaving an obvious silhouette or profile through the left most wing and AM(ERICA). A choice example with elevated obverse rim and even chocolate brown toning. Under a bright light, the fields present a steely texture with no notable contact marks. Both PCGS and CDN has recognized this variety in their price guides with the offer price being quite fair. This is definitely a conversation piece for early copper and Seated Liberty collectors. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder with CAC approval.
Indian 1C 1868 1868
Doubled Die Obverse
Snow-1 Choice $370 Doubled Die Obverse, Thick Rose-Brown Skin, Light Rub, Lakeland Collection. Consignor Pricing Reduction. The Lakeland Collection is back with a strictly original 1868 Indian cent release that is also the Snow-1 Doubled Die Obverse die variety. Surfaces are covered with a thick rose-brown skin. Bright light assessment reveals somewhat steely fields with limited luster due to the thick crust. Surfaces are unabraded other than a single obverse contact mark in the left field. Housed in ANACS old white holder with Doubled Die Obv and S-1 listed on the label.
Indian 1C 1871 1871
Gem $2500 Important Semi-Key Indian Date, Attractive Red-Brown, Gem Original, Osprey Collection. Consignor Price Reduction. This new offering from the Osprey Collection is certainly important as true gem 1871 Indian cents are downright challenging! This example features medium brown surfaces with orange tinted luster under angled lighting. Both sides are completely struck and offer Gem quality that will appeal to the serial Indian cent collector. The CAC Red-Brown approved population is limited to only 27 pieces with 3 finer. A statistic that is worth noteworking during purchase evaluation. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.0 (2015-2020) holder.
Indian 1C 1872 1872
Choice $1150 Semi-Key Date, Low Mintage, Unquestionably Choice. A choice 1872 Indian BN cent that is a semi-key date in the series. Though the mintage amounted to a tad over four million, the date circulated widely less than 75 certified by PCGS in the individual BN Mint State grades. CAC populations are much lower with 53 pieces approved in all graded when considering the BN designation. This offered example contains a substantial amount of red coloration when subjected to a bright light. Frosted luster and moderate cartwheels are also eivdent. A choice example for an Indian cent date set without breaking the budget. Housed in new large font NGC holder with CAC approval.
Indian 1C 1875 1875
Gem $850 Very Scarce Grade, Brilliant Frosted Luster, Vibrant Cartwheels, Osprey Collection. Handling U.S. coinage denominations outside of the Capped Bust and Liberty Seated realm often leads to personal numismatic learnings. Case in point is this 1875 Indian graded NGC MS65RB. The MS65 grade level is the last obtainable level given that few examples have been graded higher. As a full gem, this date is very scarce. The Osprey Collection has located an wonderful specimen with brilliant frosted luster and red-brown surfaces. Bright light exposure confirms vibrant cartwheels and a complete strike. This is a strong offering that was recently graded without CAC submission. Please take this fact into account if considering a purchase. Housed in new large font NGC holder.
Indian 1C 1876 1876
Choice $475 Choice Original, 1876 Proof Set, Pre-Whitman Baltimore Offering. Housed in newer NGC holder with edge view insert. Full descriptions forthcoming if not sold at the 2024 Winter Whitman Baltimore show.
Indian 1C 1879 1879
Gem $600 Gem Proof, Pristine Mirrors, Multi-Color Toning. Indian cent proof mintages were high as compared to the Seated series. 1879 brought 3,200 Indian cent proof strikes. The subjective natural of the BN, RB, and RD designations add collecting intrigue. This gem 1879 proof has the BN certification due to the chocolate brown coloration during in hand inspection. As with most heavily toned proofs, bright light viewing is where the fun is as this piece shifts to violet-rose on the obverse while the reverse features peripheral blues. Strike is crisply executed while the fields are entirely unabraded. GFRC images accurately capture the in hand presentation. Housed in PCGS Gen 5.0 (2015) Dupont hologram holder.
Indian 1C 1884 1884
Gem $485 Consistent Red-Brown, Frosted Luster, Gem Original, Lakeland Collection. Consignor Pricing Reduction. The Lakeland Collection is back with a gem 1884 Indian cent that offers orange-brown coloration and pristine surfaces. This piece presents frosted luster under angled lighting. Red-Brown is the optimum collecting threshold for Indian cents as much of the original red and orange colors are present at a fraction of the cost of full Red. Housed in NGC Gen 7 (1997-2000) holder.
Indian 1C 1902 1902
Gem $650 Full Red Eye Appeal, Frosted Luster, Type Coin Potential. Yet another new purchase with notable eye appeal! This lovely 1902 Indian is a full red gem with frosted luster. Pristine fields are consistent with the certified grade. This lot has been to CAC stickering where it failed to secure approval. Regardless, this is an impressive lot that warrants a GFRC-Gem quality rating. Housed in newer NGC holder with edge view insert. The label documents the Manhattan Collection pedigree.
Lincoln Cent
Lincoln 1C 1909S 1909-S
Gem $4500 Key Lincoln Date, Brilliant Frosted Luster, Deep Red Coloration, Superb Eye Appeal. At the Spring 2023 Manchester NH show, GFRC purchased this brilliantly frosted and full red 1909-S VDB Lincoln cent as part of a substantial collection. GFRC images capture the rich red coloration that glows under a bright light. A few verdigris specks are noted and will take careful inspection to locate. A single tick at the left of (O)NE is note but not of any consequence at the certified grade. Housed in short lived NGC Gen 8 (August-September 2002) holder.
Lincoln 1C 1912D 1912-D
Choice $130 Semi-Key Date, Rich Chocolate Brown, Choice Original, Indiana Collection. Consignor Price Reduction. The 1912-D is the second Denver mint Lincoln cent and is a scarce semi-key date. This lovely survivor sports a rich chocolate brown patina and pristine obverse surfaces. There are a few scattered ticks on the reverse. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder. From the Dr. Tim Cook Collection.