Standing Liberty and Washington Quarters

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There are 7 Coins for Sale. New coin(s) added on June 9, 2024

Photo Date Grade TPG GFRC Rating Price Description Buy
Standing Liberty Quarters
Standing Liberty  1917 1917
Type 2
Choice $575 Type 2, Granular Frosted Luster, Ideal for Type Set. Finely textured granular frosted luster becomes readily apparent when first viewing this strictly original 1917 Type 2 Philadelphia strike. Light copper-gold partially covers the obverse and in no way impedes the underlying radiance. Strike is 100% complete with bold head details, a raise outer shield edge, add bold rivets. If searching for a quality example for a type set without wishing to pay the CAC green bean premiums, this newly purchase lot might be the perfect fit for you. Housed in new large font NGC holder.
Standing Liberty  1917D 1917-D
Type 1, Doubled Die Reverse
Choice $5995 Doubled Die Reverse, Condition Census, Full Head, Frosted Luster, CAC Approved. GFRC is excited to be offering a condition census 1917-D Type 1 Doubled Die Reverse Standing quarter for your consideration. This offering is the second finest known as the CAC population report indicates a single example finer at MS65FH. The reverse doubling is located to the left of E PLURIBUS with a long vertical die crack from the rim through S(T)ATES to the I in AMERICA. Surfaces are pristine and present granular frosted luster under a bright light. Given the Full Head designation, the strike is complete with bold shield rivets. This lot originates from a consignor. Both PCGS and CAC have not documented a price guide value at this lofty grade level. I was able to locate a PCGS guide number of $2750 at AU58 for a non-FH example as a reference point. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2022) holder with CAC approval and Type 1 DDR FS-801 variety attribution on the label. Please be aware that the CAC population report does not list this MS64FH example. I've contacted CAC and requested that this omission be corrected.
Standing Liberty  1917S 1917-S
Type 1 Reverse
Choice $1525 Type 1, Satiny Luster, Lightly Toned, Choice Surfaces, Lakeland Collection. Consignor Pricing Reduction. How I much prefer the innovative Type 1 Hermon MacNeil artistry over the subsequent Type 2 effort. This Lakeland Collection 1917-S example sports a light gray patina on the obverse with a thicker skin and darker shades on the reverse. Under a bright light, one sees satiny radiance and vibrant cartwheels. The full head strike is simply outstanding for this challenging San Francisco issue. Fairly priced too! Housed in new large font NGC holder.
Standing Liberty  1920 1920
Choice $360 Consignor Pricing Reduction. So Close to Full Head, Light Copper Patina, Frosted Luster, A Pretty Piece, Lakeland Collection. Consignor Pricing Reduction. Please don't let the new gold label ANACS holder be an impediment for a purchase as this 1920 Standing Liberty quarter is a quality piece. Consistent mint bloom leads to frosted luster and vibrant cartwheels. Please look carefully at the GFRC images to view the head and shield rivets. Strike is so close to Full Head designation as the shield edge and rivets are boldly struck. The ear hole is also visible with only the top hair details not fully impressed. Coloration is a pretty light copper. Accurately graded and pleasing.
Standing Liberty  1923S 1923-S
Choice $2050 Better Standing Liberty Sate, Steely Frosted Luster, Peripheral Gold, CAC Approval. 1923 San Francisco struck Standing quarters amounted to 1,360,000. However, heavy circulation has limited availability for the host of collectors who pursue this 20th century series. This CAC approved example is impressive for its residual luster than emanates from fields best described as steely-frosted. Wear on the highest points is limited leaving bold devices. Peripheral copper-gold on the obverse nicely framed the light center. Surfaces are free of any notable marks. Overall a premium piece and worthy of CAC approval. Housed in PCGS Gen 4.6 (2013-2014) holder.
Standing Liberty  1926D 1926-D
Choice $475 Eroded Dies, Brilliant Satiny White Luster, Typical Strike. GFRC clients who don't win lots in the Island City auction sale may wish to acquire this heavily frosted 1926-D Standing Liberty quarter as a consolation prize. Given the excessive die wear, satiny white luster erupts from every nook and cranny on this near-gem example. Strike is typical for the date. A long die crack originates from the olive branch steam and proceeds through I(N) to the rim. Housed in PCGS Gen 4.4 (2005-2011) holder with CAC approval.
Standing Liberty  1929 1929
Choice $825 Full Head Strike, Brilliant Frosted Luster, Swirling Cartwheels. A well preserved 1929 Standing quarter that is fully struck with the outer and inner shield circles boldly outlined. Two rivets lack full separation while the head is complete. Bold strikes on later date mintages can be challenging to locate. This is a brilliant frosted example with faint peripheral gold that extends into the obverse. CAC has approved 39 at the certified grade with a 50% CDN guide price jump to the next grade. CAC MS64FH is $815 as reference. Housed in PCGS Gen 4.4 (2005-2011) holder with CAC approval. The holder is well worn at the upper obverse and at the lower reverse. Two reverse haze spots are evident on the GFRC image.
Washington Quarters
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