Liberty Seated Quarters

1856 to 1891

To Order: Contact Gerry by Phone (207-329-9957) or Email using the shopping cart ()

Pricing Comments: Liberty Seated quarters are probably the most under valued seated coinage denomination. The full date and mintmark set is extremely difficult to complete due to length and individual date rarities. Weak strikes are also an ongoing issue for many dates including weak head and breast details and incomplete definition of reverse feathers. You will find competitive retail asking prices for nice original and problem free coins. Quarters with small issues will be discounted accordingly.

Rotated Reverses: Reverse images are best effort to capture the actual reverse rotation with respect to obverse position. If a rotated reverse is seen in the images, then this is how the quarter appeared during photography and the descriptions may not include specific comments as to the observation.

Top 25 Varieties Information: Just click on the Top 25 Variety # to access detailed information published by Greg Johnson, noted Seated quarter varieties expert.

There are 73 Coins for Sale. New coin(s) added on October 19, 2024

Photo Date Grade TPG Variety GFRC Rating Price Description Buy
Seated 25C 1856 1856

Choice $265 Crusty Coin Gray, Choice Original, Worn Holder. Consignor Buyout, Price Reduction. A popular date for type given its availability through AU58. This example is covered with medium crusty gray patina with underlying steely fields. Housed in PCGS Gen 4.0 (1998-2002) holder with CAC approval. Please note the holder is well worn with haze spots that are evident on the images.
Seated 25C 1856 1856

Choice $425 New October 6! Popular Everyman Set Grade, Steely Fields, Bold Strike, Unquestionably Choice. Elevated wire rims are promptly noted on this fully struck 1856 survivor with pinpoint sharp stars and central devices. An unquestionably original specimen with steely fields and a gray skin with golden highlights at the borders. Bright light reflectance is satisfying. A single mark below the left base is noted. An ideal candidate for inclusion into an Everyman set. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder.
Seated 25C 1856O 1856-O
Briggs 1-A
Original $315 New October 3! Natural Silver Gray Surfaces, Light Obverse Graffiti. The in-hand presentation of this 1856 New Orleans strike is quite pleasing with light gray patina overlaid on steely fields. Under a bright light, the reflectance remains brilliant. A nearly complete strike is noted with the left eagle leg feathers being a tad weak. During 10x inspection, faint graffiti was observed in the left and right obverse fields. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder.
Seated 25C 1856O 1856-O
Choice $200 New September 9! Crusty Gray Patina, Steely Fields, Well Preserved. GFRC Price Reduction. Attributing 1856-O die varieties can be challenging as is the case for this new offering. Based on the Briggs book, I see obverse 3 paired with reverse E. Die specialist may wish to take note. This is a choice survivor with what first appears as crusty gray patina on both sides. Angled lighting exposes steely fields and aquamarine shades. Strike is typical while grading is accurate. Housed in newer NGC holder with edge view insert.
Seated 25C 1856S 1856-S
Briggs 2-C
Original $3850 New October 4! Conditionally Rare, Brilliant Luster, Fully Struck Early S-Mint. Briggs reports that the 1856 San Francisco issue typically comes well struck as is the case for this Seated quarter collection divestment offering. Though 286,000 were issued, this date is scarce in lower circulated grades and quickly becomes conditionally rare at the AU level. Steely-frosted radiance is noted on both sides with the obverse falling into the partially mirrored realm. Light silver-gray is prevalent across the obverse with rich light gold coloration on the reverse. The reverse surfaces are entirely pristine while the obverse exhibits faint wispy lines in the right field. An important date for those wishing to complete a date and mintmark set. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder.
Seated 25C 1857 1857

Gem $5000 Superb Gem Original, Osprey Collection. Consignor Price Reduction. A thick band of blue-green color surrounds the obverse, highlighted by burnt russet patina above the head. Rose and gold centers are lightly toned, and the eye appeal is exceptional. Fully struck, an important distinction for this date, as many high-grade pieces come with soft stars or other striking issues. Under a glass, fine die polish lines are evident on both sides. CAC has certified 100 pieces, with 10 examples finer. A superb example of the type. Housed in new large font NGC holder with CAC approval.
Seated 25C 1857 1857

Gem $4900 Unquestionably Gem, Exceptional Bright Light Viewing, Sharp Steely Frosted Luster. A gorgeous gem that MUST BE VIEWED in-hand to be appreciated! Sadly, the GFRC images are unable to capture the viewing transition when placed under a bright light. The in-hand greens and rose shift to mostly light blues with a huge peripheral gold ring that is absolutely enthralling. What other superlatives can be used to describe this gem? Eye appeal and luster is of a higher grade with a contact mark by star 5 that most likely account for the certified grade. Luster is sharp and brilliant from steely surfaces. Once again, I must ask for clients to trust this description rather than the images. Photographing high grade gems with lightly contrasted patina brings its illustration challenges. Housed in PCGS Gen 4.4 (2005-2011) holder with CAC approval.
Seated 25C 1857 1857

Choice $340 New October 7! Near-Gem at Grade, Frosted Luster, Vibrant Cartwheels, Light Rub. A near-gem 1857 quarter with surfaces and eye appeal that are above the certified grade. Both sides radiate frosted luster with vibrant cartwheels under a bright light. Specked gold patina is denser on the obverse as is to be expected from pieces this original. The overall strike is notably weak though the rub is more consistent with that of an AU58 graded example. If the economics are right for the buyer, this lot should be sent to CAC as all Green bean evaluation parameters are present. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder.
Seated 25C 1857 1857
Reverse Die Clash
Choice $4700 Flying Eagle Die Clash, Choice Original, Eclectic Collection.. Deep gray surfaces lead toward russet patina at the rims, while the protected areas of the central devices host similar copper shades. Strike is typical, with flat stars and eagle feathers blending together. Briggs 6-F, with Flying Eagle cent clash marks above the wings. This is one of the more bizarre errors in the quarter series and clearly the result of either gross negligence or deliberate chicanery. Either way, it's a great conversation piece and ideal for sharing with other collectors. Housed in a PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2022) holder.
Seated 25C 1857O 1857-O
Briggs 1-A
Choice $2100 Choice Original, Eclectic Collection.. A wide array of color is evident as this piece is flipped under a light, with rose, gold, and blue patina apparent. Nicely struck, with just a couple soft stars, while the usual problem area south of the reverse shield is fully detailed. Briggs 1-A, with the mintmark just left of center. All coins exist on a continuum, and this original piece is close to the CAC standard, possibly precluded by only a few stray lines in right obverse field. Still, this piece far nicer than most 1857-O quarters encountered in the market. Housed in a newer NGC holder with edge view insert.
Seated 25C 1857O 1857-O
Briggs 2-B
Original $675 New October 7! Semi-Scarce New Orleans Date, Complete Strike, Reflective Fields. The Liberty Seated quarter series is full of challenging dates, some more recognized than others. 1857 New Orleans strikes have been historically challenging in AU with prices finally catching up with scarcity. Briggs notes both the very scarce nature in AU with the date being generally poorly struck. On the contrary, the near-choice offering is well struck with all stars having crisp star points and the reverse motifs being in high relief. Under a bright light, the fields appear lightly reflective. GFRC images accurate illustrate the brown obverse toning while the reverse is covered with blended blue-rose shades. Micro-chatter in the right obverse fields precludes a full Choice quality rating. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder.
Seated 25C 1858 1858
VF Details PCGS

Cleaned $85 Cleaned Obverse, Natural Crusty Reverse. Accurately certified as the obverse has been cleaned with some recovery. Reverse is perfectly original. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2023) holder with Cleaned-VF Details opinion.
Seated 25C 1858S 1858-S

$3250 Semi-Key Date, Low CAC Population, Perfectly Original, CAC Approved. Well recognized as one of the Liberty Seated quarter semi-key dates, of many, this 1858-S offering also brings a very low CAC population. Only 22 are approved in all grades with six finer above this well preserved VF35 specimen. Though 121,00 were struck, only 2 survived in Mint State 62. I particular like this example due to its strict originality and bold strike. Coin gray patina is augmented by a lighter patch that extends to the reverse. The reverse toning is a bit thicker containing rose hues along with traces of peripheral gold. Head details are complete along with all star point being connected. This piece offers consideration detail and viewing pleasure at the certified grade. Destined for placement in an advanced collection. Housed in PCGS Gen 4.5 (2012-2013) holder with CAC approval.
Seated 25C 1859O 1859-O

Choice $785 Better New Orleans Date, Crusty Gray, Steely Fields, CAC Approval. The 1859 date is a semi-key in the New Orleans quarter series, with a mintage of 260,000 pieces. The CAC census provides validation of this fact with only 21 pieces stickered and 2 CACG holdered. Even gray surfaces are the epitome of originality, with gun metal blues being readily apparent under a bright light . Dirt is located within the reverse olive leaves and shield as a testament to the strict originality. Strike is typical with some weakness in the stars. The overall circulated eye appeal in pleasing which some generate significant collector interest. Housed in PCGS Gen 5.0 (2015) holder with CAC approval.
Seated 25C 1859O 1859-O
Briggs 1-A
Choice $540 Crusty Brownish-Gray, Strictly Original, Choice Surfaces, New Orleans Collection. Housed in PCGS Gen 4.4 (2005-2011) holder.
Seated 25C 1859S 1859-S
Briggs 1-A
Choice $1100 Choice Original, Fully Choice, Ex GFRC Iowa Collection Auction Sale . A near-perfect collector grade example, this 1859-S quarter reveals pleasing gray color in the fields and protected areas, while the central devices are uniformly lighter, with faint hints of rose patina throughout. The circulated cameo appearance is consistent with an original, circulated coin's frequent handling leads to high point wear, exposing the silver metal beneath, while dirt migrates to protected, lower points of the coin. Assuming any subsequent conservation efforts do not overly disturb the surfaces, CAC certification becomes a possibility. A diagonal line across the reverse shied is noted for accuracy, but make no mistake, this is an exceptional example. Briggs 1-A, the only die pair for this issue. CAC has approved only 21 examples across all grades and assigns a value of $960 in VG10. Housed in PCGS Gen 4.6 (2013-2014) holder with CAC approval.
Seated 25C 1859S 1859-S
Briggs 1-A
Choice $600 Very Scarce Issue in All Grades, Natural Dark Gray Patina, Minimally Abraded.. The 1859 San Francisco Seated quarter mintage was limited to only 80,000 strike resulting in this date being very scarce in all grades. Even AG through Fine graded examples will most likely found with one problem or another. What a pleasure handling this perfect original specimen with deeper coin gray patina and minimal abrasions. The reverse rim is entirely complete while the obverse so close to being 100% fully defined. Three letters in LIBERTY remain visible. A great numismatic item on its own or for constructing a circulated set of S-Mint quarters. Housed in PCGS Gen 4.5 (2011-2013) holder with CAC approval.
Seated 25C 1859S 1859-S

Original $1985 Key Date, Near-Choice Original, Olive-Gray Patina. The 1859 San Francisco issue is a tough date in the Seated quarter series, and especially so in higher circulated grades. Indeed, not a single Mint state example is known, as no one systematically collected this workhorse coinage on the Western frontier. This well-detailed piece is nicely detailed with complete star center and nearly-complete feather detail. An olive-gray patina is consistent on both sides with bright light inspection revealing a dull gray appearance. A review of the GFC Sales Archive will confirm how few 1859-S examples GFRC has offered in VF or better after a decade of being a top rated Liberty Seated coinage dealer. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder.
Seated 25C 1859S 1859-S
Briggs 1-A
Original $1295 Rare San Francisco Date, Light Gray, Bold Devices at Grade. During 1859, the still relatively new San Francisco mint struck only 80,000 Seated quarters. That mintage entered western frontier commerce and remained there for years. Indeed, not even a single Mint State example is known, as no one systematically collected this coinage at the time of issue. Present day collectors struggle to locate the date due to low survival rates. GFRC is pleased to offer this newly purchased example with light gray shades including darker gray at the peripheries. PCGS was tough on this example as there is a substantial amount of device details for the certified grade. A solid example that will fill that long standing hole in a date and mintmark set without breaking the bank. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.0 (2015-2020) holder.
Seated 25C 1860S 1860-S
Briggs 1-A
Choice $1950 Rare San Francisco Date, Choice Surfaces, Light Coin Gray Patina. Along with the 1864-S and 1872-S dates, the 1860-S is in the top tier when pursuing Liberty Seated quarters from the San Francisco Mint. The 1860-S date will be one of first coins examined when viewing a set of quarters, and there will be no apologizing for this example. Even silver color is surrounded by chestnut tones at the rims while ample "dirt" hides in the protected areas - precisely the wear pattern one expects on an original coin. Briggs 1-A, the only variety for this issue. CAC has certified just 25 examples, including this, in all grades. Housed in a PCGS Gen 4.6 (2013-2014) holder with CAC approval.
Seated 25C 1861 1861
Choice $375 New October 4! New Type II Design Hubs, Crusty Golden-Gray, Steely-Frosted Luster, Choice Overall. A perfectly original 1861 quarter struck with the Type II design hubs. Both sides offer steely-frosted luster regardless of the fairly thick golden-gray patina. The strike is well executed other than the lower right obverse stars lacking center points. This newly released lot offers the classic look that CAC will consistently sticker. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder with CAC approval.
Seated 25C 1861 1861
EF Details PCGS

Market Acceptable $110 Golden Gray Patina, AU Details, Ancient Cleaning, Original. A very presentable 1861 Seated quarter with darker golden gray patina. Bright light inspection exposes some center rose. I'm not buying PCGS's environmental damage claim but the luster is too reflective to be natural. I call this one as an ancient cleaning with proper retoning. Perfect for a crack out and placement in bookshelf album. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2023) holder with Environmental Damage-XF Details opinion.
Seated 25C 1861S 1861-S
Briggs 1-A
Choice $1300 Scarce in All Grades, Light Olive-Gray Toning, Choice Surfaces, Accurately Graded. The 1861-S quarter is a recognized key date in the Liberty Seated quarter series. Mintage totaled only 96,000 with all reaching the western frontier and mining town circulation. Most present day survivors will be seen in the G04 through F12 grades as is the case with this CAC approved offering that was purchased as part of a circulated San Francisco mint date set. This piece is evenly worn with elevated rims on both sides. The grading is accurate as all seven letters in LIBERTY remain visible. Darker olive-gray patina is noted primarily at the peripheries. Priced at the CDN $1300 CAC price guide number as reference with a CAC census of only 35. Housed in PCGS Gen 4.6 (2013-2014) holder with CAC approval.
Seated 25C 1861S 1861-S
VF Details PCGS

Cleaned $1150 Rare Date, Original Surfaces, Rose-Gray Toning, Obverse Rim Damage, Strong VF Devices, LaSalle Collection. An important offering for all serious collectors of the Liberty Seated quarter series. Mintage of 96,000 and very scarce in all grade. Typically found in G-VG and rarely in VF or better. The LaSalle Collection brings an original Very Fine example to market but with an obverse rim clip at stars 6 and 7. Much of the clip is hidden by the PCGS edge prong otherwise this piece is fully original. Rose-gray patina covers the obverse while the reverse is toned an even light gray. Strike is well executed . Freshly graded and housed in PCGS Gen 6.0 holder with VF Details (Rim Damage) certification. An ideal "filler" candidate for a Dansco album collection at a fair price.
Seated 25C 1861S 1861-S
Briggs 1-A
Original $4350 New October 4! Key San Francisco Date, Steely Fields, Olive-Gray Toning. The key San Francisco date in the Liberty Seated quarter series with a meager mintage of only 96,000 pieces. After grading since the TPG startup era of 1986, PCGS has only certified 9 at the EF40 level. Overall, a moderately toned example with mostly gray with a twist of olive hues. Under a bright light, residual steely reflectance still remains. I'm comfortable with a strictly original quality rating as there is ample dirt surrounding the stars and within the reverse motifs. An important lot to reach the GFRC price list and worthy of consideration. Housed in PCGS Gen 5.0 (2015) Dupont hologram holder.
Seated 25C 1861S 1861-S
Briggs 1-A
Original $3950 Rare San Francisco Date, Crusty Brownish-Gray Patina, Accurately Graded. An important key date 1861-S offering for all serious collectors of the Liberty Seated quarter series. 1861 San Francisco mintage was limited to 96,000 pieces with the entire production being placed into Western frontier commerce. As a result, this date is very scarce in all grades and typically found in G-VG while being rare in VF or better. This newly consigned example presents a brownish-gray patina with golden hues on the reverse. The strike is consistent with the Briggs description of the 1-A die pairing with lightly impressed stars. The obverse die scratch through the shield horizontal lines is easily verified with a 10x. Faint chatter in the right obverse field precludes a GFRC-Choice quality rating. Housed in PCGS Gen 4.6 (2013-2014) holder.
Seated 25C 1863 1863
Briggs 1-A
Choice HOLD
New October 7! Affordable Civil War Date, Coin Gray Patina, Choice Surfaces. Let's start the description for this choice original Civil War era issue with a JUST BUY IT NOW shout out. Consistent coin gray patina covers both sides and will please fans of strict originality. Surfaces are undisturbed and further enhance the overall eye appeal. 1863 saw a precipitous decline in the mintage of Seated quarters with only 191,600 struck, Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder.
Seated 25C 1864 1864
Briggs 1-A
Choice $765 New October 10! Important Civil War Date, Crusty Gray Patina, Accurately Graded, Choice Surfaces. The 1864 Philadelphia issue has a reported mintage of 93,600 pieces with CAC approved survivors concentrated between the VF30 and EF45 grade levels. Another cluster exists at the lofty MS64 thought MS67 MInt State grades. This newly release example is ideal for collectors attempting a date and mintmark set and with a preference for the CAC green bean. This lot is above average in terms of overall quality. Surfaces sport an even coin gray patina with hints of olive under a bright light with the toning being uniform across obverse and reverse. The fields are essentially unabraded and pleasing. CAC notes 37 in all grades with a price guide value of $725. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder with CAC approval.
Seated 25C 1864 1864
Briggs 1-A
Choice $3950 New October 19! Important Civil War Philadelphia Issue, Near-Gem Original, Lakeland Collection. A delightful frosted finish and lustrous surfaces are immediately noted on this 1864 Civil War issue. Both sides are toned with blushes of powder blue and antique gold with pearl gray iridescence. The strike is fully executed with even the most intricate design elements being deeply impressed. The Philadelphia Mint produced few quarters for commercial use during this year resulting in a mintage of 93,130. Silver coinage disappeared from circulation in the East and Midwest early in the Civil War, with a fair number of Mint State survivors being known. PCGS has certified 21 at the offered grade with a price guide value of $4,500. A Lakeland Collection duplicate that seeks a new home in an advanced Liberty Seated quarter collection. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder.
Seated 25C 1865 1865
Briggs 1-A
Original $825 New October 7! Civil War Issue, Repunched Date, Steely Fields, Silver-Gray. During 1865, the Civil War came to an end when General Robert E. Lee surrendering his Confederate Army of Northern Virginia to General Ulysses S, Grant. The Philadelphia Mint continued its silver denomination coinage that year with only 58,800 quarters struck. This date is therefore scarce in all grades. This survivor is Briggs 1-A with a repunched date. Briggs claims a Large 1 is repunched over a Small 1 which I find difficult to explain. Normal date repunching with a shifted date punch to the upper left is more likely. Steely fields are noted under angled lighting with light gold at the peripheries. The overall strike is full with partial wire rims on both sides. The fields have rub and the basis for the quality rating. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder.
Seated 25C 1866 1866
Briggs 1-A
Original $2950 New September 30! Low Mintage Civil War Issue, Rose-Gray and Aquamarine, Steely Fields. This 1866 Civil War era Philadelphia strike is one from a mintage of only 16,800. A dusky russet-gray patina is lighter on the obverse coupled with irregular aquamarine at the stars and date. A well struck example overall including center reverse weakness from a damaged die. This turbulent period saw limited silver circulating coinages, since those pieces were replaced by fractional currency. Housed in PCGS Gen 4.4 (2005-2011) holder.
Seated 25C 1867 1867
Briggs 1-A
Choice $1800 New September 12! Low Mintage Philadelphia Strike, Natural Coin Gray, Meager CAC Population, Manifest Destiny Collection. The 1867 quarter sits amid a run of low-mintage Philadelphia dates, struck during a period when hard money was scarce and paper substitutes filled the void. Only 20,000 pieces were struck in this year, and, like the 1866 quarter, business strikes are more desirable than proofs. Fortunately, these are easily distinguished, with circulation pieces exhibiting weakness in the obverse shield ribbon. That is clearly the case here, with several letters of LIBERTY indistinct. This piece reveals natural coin gray patina on both sides. Regardless of time during post-Civil War commerce, this piece is essentially unabraded. Strike is typical. The CAC census reports 24 pieces in all grades stickered and 4 within CAC holders. Previously sold by GFRC and back on the price list as part of a complete collection sale. Housed in a PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder with CAC approval. Please note that this lot has been reholdered and must be sent to CAC to recover its green bean sticker before being shipped to the buyer.
Seated 25C 1867S 1867-S
Briggs 1-A
Choice HOLD
New October 10! Scarce in All Grades, Light Coin Gray, Choice Surfaces, Rare with CAC Approval. The appearance of a CAC approved 1867-S on the price list is noteworthy as the CAC census presently stands at 14 in all grades, a remarkably low number! This example is tied with two others at the VF35 grade with four finer. Light coin gray patina is uniformly distributed with traces of copper-gold at the borders. Fully separated eagle claws and complete defined facial details are consistent with a bold strike though a few of the lower right obverse stars lack center points. Choice surfaces are noted under a 10x with several scattered obverse micro-ticks of no consequence. The consignor's offer price is quite fair as the CAC guide lists $2,700 for VF35 jumping to $3,600 at EF40, of which none have been approved. Hurry on this one as it will not last through the upcoming Manchester NH and Whitman Baltimore shows. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder with CAC approval.
Seated 25C 1867S 1867-S
VF20 raw
Briggs 1-A
Original $750 Rare San Francisco Date, Original Crusty Gray, Upper Right Reverse Hit, West Texas Collection. . An evenly toned example of the scarce 1867-S issue, with a small mintage of 48,000 pieces. Original gray patina covers both sides. There is enhanced wear on the lower right obverse at Liberty's lower legs, the foot, and extending into the right field. The wear results from the piece being bent due to a hit on the upper right reverse at (AM)ERICA. Attractively priced for the preservation state and ideal for that challenging empty hole in a Dansco or Whitman album collection. From the West Texas Collection.
Seated 25C 1868 1868
Briggs 1-A
Original HOLD
New October 10! Low Mintage, Rare Grade, Partially Mirrored, Reflective Luster. An important 1868 Philadelphia offering with a low mintage of 29,400 pieces. This surviving example offers partially mirrored fields and a complete strike including fully impressed stars with clear center points, and separated talons on the eagle's claws. Bright light assessment exposes consistent reflectivielity from both sides. Some faint obverse field chatter holds this one back from a choice quality rating. Another important lot from a complete set of Liberty Seated quarters being offered by GFRC. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder.
Seated 25C 1869 1869
Briggs 1-A
Choice $1100 New October 4! Very Scarce in All Grades, Tiny Mintage, Choice Original Surfaces. The 1869 Philadelphia date has a reported mintage of 16,000 with survivors being very scarce to rare in all grades. This newly released example, as part of a complete set, provides surfaces that are strictly original and naturally toned. Uniform light coin gray patina covers both sides with olive-gold at the borders. "Dirt" is seen surrounding the stars, date digits, and the reverse legend along with being present in protected cavities. The fields are essentially unabraded with only an ancient arcing line at the base/right lower leg. This date is brutally difficult to locate with CAC approval, therefore this offering provides for a compelling alternative. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder.
Seated 25C 1869S 1869-S
Briggs 1-A
Choice $1000 New October 4! Scarce San Francisco Date, Golden Gray Toning, Partial Obverse Die Crack Die State. This is a somewhat underrated issue, with only 86,400 pieces struck with the majority certified between F15 and EF40 as reported by PCGS. The Seated quarter series is full of such issues, which is undoubtedly an attraction among collectors for whom there is no substitute for rarity. This obverse is toned a steely gray with golden shades at the periphery while the reverse is more lightly colored. Under a bright, residual luster is noted at the stars and legend. The strike is better than average with nearly complete stars and the lower eagle feathers and talons. Marks are consistent with the grade, and, on the whole, this is a more than acceptable example of a scarce issue. A middle die state example with arcing obverse die cracks as few are known without these cracks. Housed in PCGS Gen 3.1 (1993-1998) holder.
Seated 25C 1870 1870
Briggs 1-A
Original $1950 Scarce Mint State Grade, Frosty Cartwheel Luster, Creamy Tan-Gold Patina, Original Surfaces, Fully Struck, Accurately Graded. Like many Philadelphia Seated quarter dates from the Civil War and Reconstruction period, 1870 brought a limited of mintage of 86,400 pieces. In Mint State, most 1870 survivors will be found at the MS61 or MS62 grade level. This attractive specimen is sharply struck. Frosty luster is consistent with the assigned grade level. A faint tan-gold patina covers both sides with additional darker speckled toning on the obverse. Worthy of consideration as few are available at this grade level. Housed in PCGS Gen 4.5 (2012-2013) holder. Previously sold by GFRC during mid-2022.
Seated 25C 1870 1870
Briggs 1-A
Choice $425 New October 2! Underrated Philadelphia Date, Crusty Olive Gray, Choice Surfaces. 1870 Philadelphia strikes are an underrated issue, with only 86,400 pieces struck. The Liberty Seated quarter series is replete with such dates, which is undoubtedly an attraction among collectors for whom there is no substitute for rarity. GFRC is pleased to offering a stricty original example that sports olive-gray patina with hints of gold at the extreme borders. Strike is typical for the issue while choice surfaces are essentially unmarked. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder.
Seated 25C 1870CC 1870-CC
Briggs 1-A
Original $33500 New October 3! Carson City Key Date, Even Gray Surfaces, Near-Choice Original. The 1870 Carson City issue is considered to be the rarest date in the Liberty Seated quarter series with a production start-up year mintage of only 8,340. Survivors above VF are prohibitively rare with porosity often plaguing the early issues as the mint was known to short cut their alloy preparation process by using pure Comstock mined silver rather than the traditional 90% silver and 10% copper mixture. The fact caused a susceptibility to rapid environmental damage and faster wear. This lot is a noteworthy survivor with dull gray patina on both sides. The surfaces appear to be strictly original under a 10x with a trace of porosity by stars 4 through 6 though requiring a trained eye to note. Bold rims and well detailed devices make for a compelling opportunity for that nearly impossible hole in many collections. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder.
Seated 25C 1871 1871
Briggs 1-A
Choice $3195 New September 2! Gorgeous Eye Appeal, Granular Frosted Luster, Dancing Cartwheels, Near Gem Original. Consignor Price Reduction. One of my favorite lots in this late April consignment is this 1871 Briggs 4-C quarter with sports rich granular frosted luster and intense coloration. This piece is downright gorgeous example from a mintage of 118.200 pieces. Few were preserved in Mint State based on the single digit populations and infrequent auction appearances. Bright light viewing is a joy given the radiance and dancing cartwheels. Obverse coloration is primarily rose with peripheral blues at the stars and into the rim. Varying shades of copper-gold are noted on the reverse and accurately illustrated within the images. Strike is 100% complete when considering how the Type II design hubs are notorious for weak strikes. Partial wire rims are noted on both sides. A 10x inspection revealed an ancient line from start 7 through the top of head and into the cap. To the untrained eye this would appear to be a toning line but in reality is a faint line in the surface. I suspect this line is as made given how well the balance of the surfaces are preserved. Housed in new large font NGC holder.
Seated 25C 1871CC 1871-CC
VF Details PCGS
Briggs 1-A
Cleaned $14000 New October 2! Key Carson City Date, Few Survivors, Nicely Details, Surfaces Porosity. The 1871 Carson City issue presents a enormous challenge for collecting attempting to build a Seated quarter date and mintmark set. Only 10,890 were struck with most being lost or melted. A portion of the survivors are known to be metal detector discoveries but will exhibit surface porosity due to an extended period in the ground. This specimen arrives from a newly consigned collection and is typical of many seen. However, this lot presents a compelling opportunity to acquire an example at a decent price point. The lighter yellowish obverse and reverse regions are areas of porosity on the coin with all surfaces being cleaned. The obverse presentation is quite reasonable with strong device details. Certainly a filler until a gradable example reaches the market. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder with Environmental Damage-VF Details listed on the label.
Seated 25C 1872 1872
Briggs 1-A
Gem $7250 New August 28! Exceptional Eye Appeal, Condition Census, Gem Original, Important Opportunity. There are times in a collecting career when important opportunities arrive to the market. Such is the case with the arrival of this condition census 1872 Seated quarter with only three certified at grade and none finer. This Philadelphia issue boasts a low mintage of 182,000 circulation strikes and is difficult to locate in all grades, due in part to many probably having been melted in the 1873 silver melt. Larry Briggs (1991) assigns a rarity rating of R.6+ to Uncirculated pieces. The eye appeal is exceptional with center rose and aquamarine rings transitioning to yellow and orange gold at the periphery. A similar toning scheme is also present on the reverse. Under a bright light the reflectance is sharp with vibrant cartwheels. Strike is 100% complete resulting in a premium presentation of the Type II hub designs. A review of the individual CoinFacts auction records has me convinced that this lot is the third finest as CACG has certified a single MS66 along with a stickered example at the same grade. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder. Please give this offering serious consideration as I'm going with a JUST BUY IT NOW recommendation for astute collectors of the series.
Seated 25C 1872CC 1872-CC
Briggs 1-A
Choice $16950 Rare Low Mintage Carson City Date, Olive Gray-Rose Patina, CAC Approved. Astute Liberty Seated quarter collectors are well aware of the importance of CAC approved Carson City dates arriving to market. This 1872-CC example is one of only 15 approved by CAC in all grades. Mintage was limited to 22,850 with most certified survivors clustered between G04 and F15 grades. This fresh GFRC buyback features natural surfaces that are toned a rose-gray with peripheral olive colored highlights. Surfaces are well preserved with only a few ancient lines in the lower right obverse field. This specimen offers strong details not just for the grade, but for the issue. About 65 to 90 examples are believed to survive, according to Rusty Goe (2020). Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2022) holder with CAC approval. Previously sold August 2022 with the sales record in the Sales Archive.
Seated 25C 1872S 1872-S
Briggs 1-A
Choice $9500 New October 4! Rare S-Mint Date, Important Opportunity, Choice Original. One of the most significant offerings, from the newly released Liberty Seated quarter collection, is this 1872-S choice example. PCGS has certified only three at the EF40 grade with no auction records. If checking the EF45 CoinFacts data in EF45, again only three are holdered with three auction records between 2006 and 2017. The situation is bleaked in AU with only five certified in all grades with the last auction record dating back to 2016. Again, I can't stress enough that collectors building a complete Seated quarter set should step up and purchase this lot. A uniform light gray skin covers both sides with the fields being totally original. Under a 10x, I see smooth steely fields, as struck, with no traces of hairlines or other "enhancements". "Dirt" also surrounds the stars, date digits, and is noted within the reverse shield as further validation. Briggs notes that the stars are softly struck as is the case here. He also points out that a heavy die clash of the obverse rock is seen in the scroll which is readily noted. An opportunity for the astute collector. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder.
Seated 25C 1873 1873
No Arroww, Open 3
Briggs 1-A
Original HOLD
New October 6! Open 3, Steely Luster, Peripheral Gold, Premiun Eye Appeal. An 1873 Open 3 quarter with steely reflectance and pretty toning at the borders. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.0 (2015-2020) holder. Immediately sold upon being showcased in the Daily Blog.
Seated 25C 1873 1873
No Arrows, Closed 3
Briggs 3-B
Choice $3250 New September 12! Closed 3, Rare No Arrows Variety, Business Strike, Light Rose-Gray, Choice Surfaces. The early 2000s saw a renewed interest in the more prominent Seated quarter varieties, with an MS63 1873 close 3 quarter selling at the 75k level at the 2008 FUN convention. The Closed 3 is a Red Book-listed variety, visible to the naked eye, and conveys a compelling story, as anyone can see plainly why the 3 might have been confused with an 8. This piece exhibits pleasing coin gray surfaces with light rose color in the obverse fields. The protected areas host light, original crust, While the obverse appears to matches the proof die (Briggs 1-A), this piece is an unquestioned business strike, and it should be pointed out that other business strike examples listed on Coinfacts also match the Briggs 1-A obverse. More importantly, the reverse of this example does not exhibit the die cut on the left side of the shield, which is a well-known diagnostic for proof quarters of this era. A very challenging variety from a newly consigned Liberty Seated quarter collection. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder.
Seated 25C 1873CC 1873-CC
Briggs 1-A
Choice $28500 New October 3! Carson City Key Date, Light Gray Choice Surfaces, Perfect Circulated Eye Appeal. The only With Arrows Carson City Seated quarter issue and in demand by both Carson City type collectors and those pursing a complete date and mintmark set. I'm particularly impressed with the preservation and noteworthy circulated eye appeal and issuing a JUST BUT IT NOW recommendation. Mintage for the 1873-CC Arrows date is 12,462 with the same alloy issues as discussed for the 1870-CC lot. This date is somewhat available at the VF level but become prohibitively rate in EF or better. This example presents smooth original fields on both sides with "dirt" surrounding the stars, date, and within the design cavities. A careful 10x inspection revealed no traces of porosity, rather a single ancient mark below pole and cap. A worthy piece for an advanced collection. The PCGS price guide lists $38,500 as fair market value. Favorably offered at the last available auction record. Let's work together to determine how to move this lovely specimen into your collection. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder.
Seated 25C 1874 1874

Choice $1600 New August 28! With Arrows Type, Tan-Gold Patina, Frosty Luster, Active Cartwheels, Choice Surfaces, Sheffield Collection. A perfect With Arrows type offering or ideal for those pursuing Mint State Seated quarters. Sparkling cartwheel luster and thick mint frost radiate under a bright light. Both sides are lightly toned. Obverse coloring is mostly tannish-gold while the reverse is creamy white gold with embedded sky blue. Strike is typical for the date. Abrasions are to a minimum and consistent with the assigned grade. Heavy die clashing is also seen on the obverse. Overall, a frosty choice original offering for the selective collector. Housed in NGC Gen 9 (2001-2003) holder. Previously sold by GFRC as part of a complete set of Liberty Seated quarters offered by the Sunset Point Collection during 2019.
Seated 25C 1875CC 1875-CC
Briggs 1-A
Gem $8875 Difficult Carson City Date, Brilliiant Frosted Luster, Swirling Cartwheels, GFRC-Gem Rated, Quito Collection. Consignor Price Reduction. Carson City Mint production jumped to 140,000 during 1875 after much slower mintages during the start-up years. This date is downright scarce in all grades and always missing on the GFRC price list. The Quito Collection comes to the rescue as releasing a four lot Mint State date set (1875-CC to 1878-CC) with this leadoff 1875-CC securing a GFRC-Gem rating. Overall eye appeal is that of a higher grade given brilliant frosted luster and vibrant cartwheels. Strike is about good as it gets for the Type II/II design hubs and westerner frontier workmanship. Surfaces are unabraded with faint clashing on the lower reverse that needs more research. CAC population report indicates 3 approved at grade with 9 better. Housed in PCGS Gen 4.5 holder (20012-2013) holder with CAC approval.
Seated 25C 1875CC 1875-CC
Briggs 2-B
Choice $4650 Underrated Date, Choice Original, Crusted Gray Patina, LaSalle Collection.. The 1875-CC issue can be overlooked, standing beside the giants of the 1870-1873 Carson City run. This piece is scarce in its own right with a relatively low mintage of 140,000 pieces, and all Carson City issues have a special appeal within American numismatics. So noted for this new Lasalle Collection consignment. A thick coin gray patina nicely protects the obverse while a light reverse center provides access to the soft frosted luster. The Type II reverse is typically struck with residual mint frost evident within the protected areas. Housed in new large font NGC holder. PCGS #5499.
Seated 25C 1876 1876

Choice $450 New October 19! Brilliant Steely-Frosted Luster, Center toning, Choice Surfaces, Lakeland Collection. Steely-frosted luster is readily apparent whether conducting in-hand inspection or enjoying the glowing presentation under a bright light. The strike is complete with full head details and star center points along with intricately defined eagle feathers. Weakness at the denomination is a function of working die hubbing and not strike. Chatter in the right obverse field is consistent with the certified grade with no wear seen during 10x inspection. Housed in new large font NGC holder.
Seated 25C 1876CC 1876-CC

Original $350 New October 6! Popular Carson City Date, Steely Fields, Silver-Gray Presentation. Silver-gray surfaces are noted with steely reflective luster radiating under angled lighting. Golden borders are more pronounced on the reverse. Accurately graded with mint frost noted in the protected areas, especially with the reverse eagle feathers. Strike doubling is apparent on the denomination. A pretty lot that would fit nicely into a circulated date and mintmark set project. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder.
Seated 25C 1876S 1876-S

Choice $300 New October 4! Steely-Frosted Luster, Olive-Gold Toning, Choice Surfaces. An olive-gold skin covers both sides of this San Francisco piece, along with scattered bits of crust on the reverse. The strike is well executed with defined star centers and most claw joints separated. Steely-frosted radiance is pleasing and consistent on both sides. The only mark of note extends from star 2. CAC has stickered 50 pieces with another 13 now residing in CACG holders. Housed in a PCGS Gen 6.0 (2015-2020) holder with CAC approval. Ex. Tenafly, and Saw Mill Run Collections.
Seated 25C 1877 1877

Gem $2925 Gem Original, Quito Collection.. Consignor Price Reduction. A bold crescent of electric blue and violet patina fills the right stars, sharply contrasting with the silver color to the left. The ice-white eagle is highly frosted, approaching a Cameo designation were this a proof example. The strike is sharp throughout and delivers full detail, not a trivial matter as quarters from the 1870s exhibit lower relief overall than earlier coins in the series. The CAC census notes 99 coins total, with 28 examples finer. The CAC price guide value is $2,750 in MS66. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2023) holder with CAC approval.
Seated 25C 1877CC 1877-CC
Briggs 3-C
Gem $3015 Granular Frosted Luster, Complete Strike, Unquestionable Gem, Quito Collection. Consignor Price Reduction. Strong luster easily penetrates the thick skin, and the cartwheel is active under a light. Deep evergreen, slate, and copper patina evenly fills the obverse, while the reverse is lighter and reveals smoky shades throughout the legend. Design elements are sharp, with only a couple stars softly impressed. In-hand appeal is strong, and the GFRC Gem-rating is easily warranted. The CAC report notes 120 pieces in all grades, with 13 coins at MS66 and 3 examples at MS67. Housed in a PCGS Gen 6.0 (2015-2020) holder with CAC approval. Previously from the Eclectic Collection, a top rated Seated quarter client .
Seated 25C 1877CC 1877-CC

Choice $525 New October 6! Silky Light Gold Luster, Vibrant Cartwheels, Choice Surfaces. The silky radiance is immediately noted when placing this 1877 Carson City issue under a bright light. Light gold toning is noted throughout the obverse with hints of same at the lower reverse. The strike is typical with some obverse weakness while the lower reverse denomination is the result of a weak working die hubbing. Pleasing overall and accurately graded. Housed in PCGS Gen 4.5 (2012--2013) holder.
Seated 25C 1877CC 1877-CC
Briggs 8-H
Choice $275 Thick Crusty Gray Patina, Choice Surfaces, LaSalle Collection. This 1877-CC quarter's preservation resulted in a thick coin gray patina forming on both sides. The underlying sufaces are strictly original with the fields offering steely reflectance under a bright light. Strike is consistent with Carson City workman and is best described as typical. A careful die variety attribution against Briggs leads to an 8-H attribution. Housed in new large font NGC holder.
Seated 25C 1877S 1877-S
S/Horizontal S
Briggs 4-D
Choice $2250 Near-Gem Original, Quito Collection.. Consignor Price Reduction. The 1877-S/S is a popular variety within the quarter series, listed in the Guide Book and readily attributable with the naked eye. Per the PCGS census, about one of every seven examples of the 1877-S exhibits the doubly punched mintmark. This is an untoned piece, with substantial frost remaining in the central devices. Steel color marks high points, while the reverse hosts bits of navy patina in the protected areas to the southeast. CAC notes 20 coins total, with two pieces at MS64 and a single example at MS66. The CAC price guide value is $1,950 in MS63. Housed in PCGS Gen 4.4 (2005-2011) holder with CAC approval.
Seated 25C 1877S 1877-S
Briggs 11-J
Choice $895 Medium S, Near Gem Original, Huge Bright Light Eye Appeal, Accurately Graded. If GFRC customers could only view this piece under bright light...Wow! Strictly original and natural patina covers the surfaces and the in hand appearance is that of mostly rose coloring with some aquamarine at the obverse rim and light rose across the reverse. Well that all changes when this piece is exposed to a light source. The obverse turns into a color masterpiece with core blue and rose intermixed center that transitions to light yellow gold at the rims. Believe me, I'm not over exaggerating on this one and the eye appeal is well above MS64. The reverse stays rose under bright light with a dash of blues at AMERICA. Housed in pristine older NGC holder.
Seated 25C 1878 1878

Choice $750 Brilliant Frosted Luster, Rotating Cartwheels, Complete Strike. A brilliantly frosted 1878 Seated quarter with aquamarine and light gold toning on the obverse while the reverse exhibits a lower blue arc and overall hints of gold. Strike is hammered with partial wire rims on both sides. There is minimal color shifting when place under a bright light, though the overall coloration is lighter. Two contact marks are noted on Liberty's cheek. A fairly graded and priced offering previously from the Quito Collection and just taken back in trade. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.0 (2015-2020) holder.
Seated 25C 1878CC 1878-CC
Briggs 2-B
Choice HOLD
New October 10! Popular Carson City Date, Steely Fields, Near-Gem Original. Steely reflective fields are immediately noted on this near-gem 1878 Carson City survivor. The strike is complete with fully defined stars and separated eagle claws. Darker gray patina is noted on the obverse while the reverse presents bluish hues. The surfaces are unquestionably original. and essentially unabraded. The lower reverse denomination is weak and could be the result of die polishing. The CAC census notes 87 in all grades with an AU53 price guide value of $550 as reference. Housed in PCGS Gen 4.4 (2005-2011) holder with CAC approval.
Seated 25C 1878CC 1878-CC
Briggs 2-B
Original HOLD
New October 19! Sharp Steely Luster, Vibrant Cartwheels, Near-Choice Original, Lakeland Collection. The Lakeland Collection release continues with this Briggs 2-B specimen which exhibits sharp steely luster and vibrant cartwheels. The reverse presentation is particularly impressive and consistent with a Choice Mint State designation. The certified grade appears quite conservative until placing a 10x on the obverse. Hairlines in the right obverse field are noted though no wear is seen on the high points. Faint gold is present at the borders. This lot has been net graded down to AU55 due to the hairlines but could have also been placed in an MS60 holder though this grade is not often employed for silver coinage. Fairly price at its current designation. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.0 (2015-2020) holder.
Seated 25C 1878CC 1878-CC
Briggs 1-A
Choice $300 Canceled Die Obverse, Crusty Olive-Rose Gray Patina, Choice Surfaces, Cleveland Collection. Consignor Price Reduction. The Cleveland Collection consignor does not limit himself to Top 100 Seated dime varieties. This choice 1878-CC Seated quarter Canceled Die Obverse offering is yet another die variety duplicate being made available from his Top 25 Seated quarter varieties. All diagnostics are easily seen with 10x loupe including the diagonal die scratch in the reverse shield (Reverse of 1877-CC). Natural olive and gray colorings are predominant with heavier shades on the reverse. Bright light inspection reveals embedded rose on the obverse. Strike is typical for the die pairing. Housed in PCGS Gen 5.0 (2015) Dupont hologram holder.
Seated 25C 1878S 1878-S
Briggs 1-A
Gem $11500 New September 21! Condition Census Grade, Lightly Mirrored Gem, Faint Gold, Vibrant Cartwheels. Partially mirrored fields and sharp reflectance are immediately noted during initial inspection of this GFRC-Gem rated 1878-S quarter consignment. The overall strike is complete within the bounds of a poorly hubbed reverse working die. Faint gray toning is noted in the right obverse field and at the date with no surfaces anomalies requiring mention. This is a condition census 1878-S quarter that is a significant opportunity for the Liberty Seated community. The date is much scarcer than its 140,000 mintage with Briggs speculating that a portion of the issue was melted to strike the new Morgan dollar design of that year. The reverse die hubbing is weak with partial vertical shield lines and missing details in the olive leaves, left leg and tail feathers. Only 13 examples have been approved by CAC in all grades, a testament to the date's overall rarity, especially when strictly original. Two are approved at the MS64 level with a single MS65 finer. The CAC price guide suggests $10,500 as fair market value though a slight pricing premium is not out of the question for this gem. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder with CAC approval.
Seated 25C 1878S 1878-S
Briggs 1-A
Original $2650 New September 30! Scarce in all Grades, Steely Reflectance, Near-Choice Original. 1878 brings the last difficult San Francisco Seated quarter date to acquire, with the 1888-S and 1891-S being more frequently encountered issues. Since inception, GFRC has been unable to keep this date is stock and believes that this near-choice original offering will also have a short stay. A well preserved example with bluish-gray patina on both sides. Bright light inspection exposes reflective fields with claims to being lightly mirrored. Strike is consistent with those seen. Briggs notes that many pieces were melted for recoining into silver dollars. Prior to the advent of population reports, this piece was sometimes compared to the 1864-S and 1872-S issues, unjustifiably so, but the PCGS census remains at a low 97 pieces. Housed in a PCGS Gen 6.0 (2015-2020) holder.
Seated 25C 1879 1879
Briggs 1-A
Choice $525 New October 4! Choice Original, Medium Gray Patina, Blemish Free, Tough Late Philadelphia Strike. The low mintage Philadelphia era 1879 through 1889 issues are in constant demand with locating quality circulation strikes being challenging. A newly released collection allows GFRC to offered this 1879 example with its mintage of only 13,600 pieces. The obverse presents an olive-gray center with speckled ebony toning at the borders while the reverse incorporates bluish hues. The strike is typical with slight weakness at the top of the head and within the arrow feathers. Under a bright light, the fields have a steely mirrored texture which is also typical for these low mintage dates. Surfaces are well preserved with no anomalies to discuss. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder.
Seated 25C 1881 1881

Gem $1975 Low Mintage Philadelphia Issue, Steely Reflective Luster, Spinning Cartwheels, CAC Approval. 1881 brought the third consecutive year of low mintages for both Philadelphia struck Seated quarters and halves. This lovely GFRC-Gem rated example is one of 12,000 struck. Steely-frosted luster explodes under a bright light along with vibrant cartwheels on both sides. On the obverse, light rose-orange coloration shifts to aquamarine at the periphery while the reverse is toned a consistent light gold. The upper obverse strike is a tad weak. This piece presents a ton of eye appeal and essentially unabraded surfaces. A compelling lot for the passionate Seated quarter collector. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder.
Seated 25C 1881 1881
Briggs 1-A
New October 10! Low Mintage Philadelphia Date, Uniform Olive-Gold Patina, CAC Approved. A wonderfully toned 1881 Seated quarter survivor that warrants a JUST BUY IT NOW shout out. This GFRC-Gem rated example is about as nice as one could ever expect at the VF20 grade level. Crusty olive-gray patina coats both sides with no abrasions to note. Again this is a great example that should be immediately purchased. The CAC price guide lists $470 as fair market value. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder with CAC approval.
Seated 25C 1881 1881
Briggs 2-B
Gem $1265 Gem Original, City by The Bay Collection.. Consignor Price Reduction. Royal blue patina fills both sides of this Gem proof example, decorated by bits of silver color at the highest points. Flashy mirrors highlight the pleasing color, and the overall eye appeal is strong. Detail is sharp as expected for a proof example, with cleanly separated claw joints and pinpoint stars. NGC has approved 244 pieces, with 40 examples at MS65 and 53 coins finer. The NGC guide value is $2,300. Housed in a new large font NGC holder. PCGS #5513.
Seated 25C 1886 1886
Briggs 1-A
Gem $2655 New September 2! Lowest Mintage Philadelphia Date, Mirrored Reflectance, Pristine Surfaces, Gem Original. Consignor Price Reduction. The Bland-Allison Act of 1878 mandated the mintage of enormous amounts of Morgan dollars resulting in a dramatic drop in smaller denomination silver coinage. 1886 brought the minting of only 5,000 Seated quarters, the lowest of any Philadelphia date in this series. Business and proof strikes can appear with similar surfaces finishes as business strikes are known with full proof like certification. This newly released gem is such an example with mirrored fields and bright reflectance under a bright light. It's angled lighting behavior is typical of proof survivors where the darker in-hand toning melts away to reveal sharp mirrors and light pastel rose, gold, and green shades. How PCGS decides what is proof like is an unknown to me as this piece exhibits strong proof characteristics. A true gem with pristine surfaces and a complete strike GFRC images are most inadequate as an illustration, therefore please consider this description carefully. Ideal for a high end collection. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.0 (2015-2020) holder.
Seated 25C 1887 1887

Choice $950 New October 10! Challenging Low Mintage Isuse, Light Coin Gray, CAC Approved. The 1887 date, with a mintage of 10,000, is very scarce in all circulated grades as more than half of the 49 with CAC approval are at the Mint State level. This new release, from a complete Seated quarter collection, exhibits light coin gray toning with obverse peripheral gold. The reverse rims are elevated while the obverse stars are poorly struck consistent with Briggs commentary for the issue. This lot can be validated as a business strike based on the horizontal die scratch through the lower vertical shield lines. CAC notes two approved at the offered grade with a price guide value of $750 as reference. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder with CAC approval.
Seated 25C 1888 1888

Choice HOLD
New October 10! Scarce and Underrated Issue, Natural Coin Gray, Choice Surfaces. The late date low mintage era continues with the 1888 date and its 10,000 mintage. This date is very scarce and underrated overall. From our complete Liberty Seated quarter collection arrives this choice example with natural coin gray patina and nicely preserved surfaces. The strike is typical for the issue. The CAC census is only 33 total with two-thirds being at the Mint State level. This is a challenging date to locate in circulated grades let along with CAC approval. The CAC price guide stands at $600 but this lot is worth more than that number Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder with CAC approval.
Seated 25C 1888S 1888-S

Gem $8550 Gem Original, Quito Collection. Consignor Price Reduction. Given its mintage of 1.2 million, 1888 strikes are often seen as a type piece for the San Francisco mint. Overall strike quality is on the above average side for the Type 2 hubs that present low relief motifs. At the superb gem level, populations are limited with 10 at MS66 and a single MS66+, which is offered here courtesy of the Quito Collection. Frosted surfaces are painted with light rose tints while the overall eye appeal is fantastic. Strike is complete with bold stars and detailed motifs. Granular frosted surfaces are essentially unabraded with a hint of luster breaks in the right obverse field. That is why this piece is not a '67. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder with CAC approval.
Seated 25C 1888S 1888-S

Gem $3750 Gem Original, Oregon Beaver Collection.. Swirling shades of russet, blue-green, and maroon patina cover both sides of this GFRC-rated Gem quarter. The booming, frosty luster is complemented by a sharp strike that reveals defined star points and clean separation in the claws. The CAC population is 32 coins in all grades, with seven pieces finer. Housed in a D.L. Hansen-pedigreed PCGS Gen 6.0 (2015-2020) Gold shield holder with CAC approval. The import of the D. L. Hansen pedigree is not yet as recognized as it ought to be, as this still evolving collection is already competitive with the greatest "name" collections in numismatic history. The CAC price guide value in MS65 is $3,190.
Seated 25C 1890 1890

Choice $575 Choice Original, Springfield Collection.. The obverse of this lower-mintage piece is marked by thick, silver-gray color with a spray of charcoal patina, while the reverse admits additional gold shades throughout. Briggs 2-B, with a low, even date, and stars softly impressed. The CAC population is 70 pieces in all grades. The CAC guide value is $429 in AU50. Ex. J. J. Teaparty, June 2012. Housed in a PCGS Gen 4.4 (2005-2011) holder with CAC approval. Reverse haze is on the holder.
Seated 25C 1890 1890
Briggs 2-B
Choice $600 New September 30! Choice Original. The second to last year of Liberty Seated quarter production at the San Francisco Mint brought only 80,000 strikes. The 1890 date is constantly in demand and never lasts long on the GFRC price list. This wonderfully choice example previously sold prior to reaching the price list and is returning to the GFRC inventory courtesy of a substantial Seated quarter collection. Surfaces are toned an even gray-gold which does not impede the underlying steely luster. Bright light viewing exposes lovely rose shades. Fairly graded and housed in PCGS Gen 6.0 holder with CAC approval.
Seated 25C 1890 1890

Choice $625 Underrated Date, Superb Cartwheels, Brilliant Frosted Luster, Golden Red-Blue. The Southern Texas Collection has released a lustrous 1890 Philadelphia Seated quarter with Mint State eye appeal. This late date continues to be popular with collectors due to the low 80,000 mintage and is one of the most often Liberty Seated quarters sold by GFRC. This example radiates frosty brilliance with vibrant cartwheels that are certainly eye catching. Sadly, the GFRC images are unable to capture the luster but rather the natural rose-blue and golden shades that are prevalent during in hand viewing. A single surface mark in the right obverse field is noted for completeness. Though housed in older ANACS blue label holder, this lovely quarter screams originality and is worthy of consideration.
Seated 25C 1891O 1891-O

Choice $6950 New September 3! Rare Late Date, Steely-Frosted Luster, Peripheral Orange Rose-Gold, Choice Surfaces, Springfield Collection.. The Springfield Collection makes a new appearance by released a fully choice 1891 New Orleans struck example is high grade for the issue. A better-date Seated quarter, representing the final year of production for this long 19th century series. Overall eye appeal is special with background steely gray surfaces overlaid with peripheral orange rose-gold which is more prevalent in the reverse. The strike is bold though there remaining traces of weakness at the tip of Liberty's head. The crucial O-mintmark is bold, designating this piece as one of the few remaining of the 68,000 New Orleans quarters struck in this year. The CAC census presently stands at 42 sticker with only 4 finer. There is a substantial population gap between AU50 up through MS62 with few options for collectors to upgrade when CAC approval is a requirement. Housed in PCGS Gen 4.4 (2005-2011) holder with CAC approval and worthy of keen consideration.
Seated 25C 1891O 1891-O
Briggs 2-B
Original $1600 New October 7! Underrated Date, Light Gray. For unknown reasons, the 1891 New Olreans date does not secure the respect it deserves in circulated grades. Mintage is only 68,000 pieces as the New Orleans Mint was consumed with striking primarily Morgan dollars followed by Liberty Seated dimes and no U.S gold. The Seated quarter denomination appears to have been an after thought with all entering circulation. Currently, this date is a rarity only second to the elusive 1849-O. Light gray coloration is noted on both sides of this survivor with golden hues at the borders. "Dirt' surrounds the stars and date punch. Both sides presently steely fields with angled lighting. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder.
Seated 25C 1891S 1891-S

Gem $425 Gem Original, Former Saw Mill Run and Tenafly Collections.. Despite a mintage over two million pieces, choice survivors are few and the CAC population stands at 38 pieces in all grades. This gem 1891-S quarter originates from both the Saw Mill Run and Tenafly Collection and deserves similar placement after a buyback. Eye appeal is that of Choice Mint State. Shimmering cartwheels and intermixed olive-rose and gold toning are delightful during bright light inspection. No long description is required as first sold by GFRC as a JUST BUY IT NOW recommendation. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.0 holder with CAC approval.