Draped and Capped Bust Half Dollars

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Collecting Bust Half Dollars can be approached from several vantage points. Most individuals build early United Stated coinage type sets and required only one example of the Flowing Hair, Draped Bust, Capped Bust and Reeded Edge halves. Then there are the variety specialists who take collecting to a precise level by seeking out individual die pairings within a date.

The Overton and Parsley reference books for collecting Bust halves by variety are well known and loved. All Gerry Fortin Rare Coin offerings are attributed to the Overton variety classification system. Rarity numbers are from the same source. When no rarity number is shown, then an R1 (common) rarity is implied.

GFRC has joined with Dave Cinquina to cross-link Bust Half Dollar variety information. Dave is constructing a free online resource (BustHalfAddict.com) that illustrates the Overton varieties with GFRC providing sponsorship. As a result of this partnership, each GFRC listing carries an Overton number and link to the relevant page at BustHalfAddict.com. By simple clicking on the Overton number, access to specific variety information and high resolution images is provided at the Dave Cinquina site.

Happy Hunting to all! Please do not hesitate to provide feedback on how Gerry Fortin Rare Coins might improve your Bust Half Dollar acquisition experience.

There are 20 Coins for Sale. New coin(s) added on December 21, 2024

Photo Date Grade TPG Variety GFRC Rating Price Description Buy
Flowing Hair
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Draped Bust
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Capped Bust
Capped Bust  1807 1807
Large Stars 50/20
Choice $1025 Large Stars 50/20, Steely Fields, Rose-Gray, Peripheral Blues. A bright light inspection of this 1807 O-112 example revealed gray colored patina and moderate rose hues. Peripheral blues, on both sides, nicely frame the centers. The O-112 is well known as the Large Stars 50/20 due to a residual 2 punch under the final 5 digit in the denomination. This example is strictly original with steely fields that are well preserved. Strike is typical of the issue with weakness at the obverse center and eagle wing feather definition. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder with CAC approval.
Capped Bust  1810 1810
Choice $600 Popular Early Date, Steely Frosted Luster, Well Preserved, Sooner Collection. The Sooner Collection has dug deep in his numismatic cabinet and released two pleasing Capped Bust halves. The first is an 1810 O-102 with circular die cracks at the lower obverse and throughout the reverse. This attractive example retains is steely frosted luster, especially at the peripheries. One has to wonder how a larger silver piece can experience moderate wear to the EF grade while still exhibiting this much brilliance when placed under a bright light. Surfaces are well preserved and choice with ample original mint frost. Toning is primarily rose shades with peripheral gold. This variety can be attributed by bold repunching on star 12. Housed in PCGS Gen 5.0 (2015) Dupont hologram holder.
Capped Bust  1811 1811
Small 8
Choice $750 Small 8, Steely Fields, Peripheral Gold, Residual Luster and Cartwheels, Sooner Collection. They say that good thing come in small packages which is applicable to this 1811 O-109 Capped Bust half. Another Sooner Collection release with steely fields and a surprising amount of reflective luster. Cartwheels are considerable and consistent with the AU grade level. Centers are mostly untoned with light gold and darker shades at the peripheries. A bold reverse die crack is seen from (S)TATES into the left facing wing. Fields are smooth and free of any notable marks. Overall, a quality example. Housed in ANACS old white holder.
Capped Bust  1813 1813
Choice $2150 Challenging Early Date at Grade, Steely-Frosted Luster, Choice Surfaces. Early Capped Bust halves are notorious for weakly struck centers. An anonymous consignor has released this duplicate with a fully struck obverse and reverse centers. Liberty's hair curls are deeply impressed and visually refreshing. Yes, there is strike weakness that suggests an uneven planchet or dies. An unquestionably original survivor with steely fields that offer reflectance consistent through the crusty rose-gold and blue patina. As usual, the reverse is lightly toned with bold steely luster. Under a 10x, a faint hairline is seen on Liberty's neck that is mostly toned and is not evident on the image. Housed in new large font NGC holder.
Capped Bust  1821 1821
Choice $1250 Choice Original, Light Crusty Coin Gray, Steely Fields and Reflectance. During 1821, the Philadelphia mint struck 1,305,797 halves while employing seven different die pairings. This perfectly original survivor has been meticulously preserved and offers a light crusty gray patina over steely fields and unblemished devices. Under a bright light, the radiance is best described as steely reflective. The light reverse patina enables some cartwheel action. As is typically for the early Capped Bust dates, the centers tend to be lightly struck while edge details are fully defined. This is the case with this 1821 O-101 as the stars are fully elevated with bold center points while lower the center hair curls are weak. CAC has approved 27 at the certified grade with a CDN CAC guide of $1220. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.0 (2015-2020) holder with CAC approval. A fresh GFRC buyback.
Capped Bust  1826 1826
Choice $815 Brilliant Copper-Gold Frosted Luster, Choice Surfaces, Sooner Collection. This newly released 1826 O-112a half brings gobs of brilliant frosted luster that amplify the semi-transparent copper-gold toning. The peripheries are particularly pleasing as the patina is the lightest there. Strike is typical for Capped Bust halves as the edge obverse stars are fully defined while the center curls are a tad weak. The same center to edge striking pattern is evident on the reverse. The O-112(a) die state is easily attributed by a filled N in UNITED and the upper loop of the first S in STATES. Please be assured that this is an eye catching offering from the Sooner Collection. Pricing is certainly fair. Housed in NGC Gen 7 (1997-2000) holder.
Capped Bust  1827 1827
Square Base 2
Choice $570 Perfect Originality, Detailed Strike, Lightly Crusted Near-Gem, Lakeland Collection. Consignor Pricing Reduction. Fans of strictly original early silver coinage should take a serious look at this 1827 O-117 half as it has captured my attention. The uniform gray toning on both sides and traces of "dirt" in the protected areas is my yard stick for originality. This piece scores on both points. Next is the detailed strike to consider with nearly complete stars and bold eagle feathers. This Lakeland Collection release needs to go to a buyer who enjoys the light crusty "look". Housed in NGC Gen 17 (2004-2008) holder,
Capped Bust  1829 1829
Choice $1000 Rich Frosted Luster, Hammered Strike, Superb Eye Appeal. This highly detailed 1829 O-115 Capped Bust half is a premium example with thick mint bloom on both sides. Under a bright light, the frosted radiance is bold and impressive along with the swirling cartwheels. Copper-gold and aquamarine are the primary toning colors. The overall presentation is quite stunning given the hammered strike. Rub on the cheek and a stray hairline at the neck are consistent with the certified grade. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2023) holder.
Capped Bust  1830 1830
Large 0
Choice $645 Superb Eye Appeal, Near-Gem Original, Lakeland Collection. Consignor Pricing Reduction. A marvelous Lakeland Collection release that does not require a long description given the accurate illustration via GFRC images. Overall eye appeal is driven by frosted luster and peripheral orange-gold and darker blue patina . A better Overton variety that has been exquisitely preserved and is entirely unabraded. A JUST BUY IT NOW recommendation is in order. Please give this piece serious consideration as the new owner is guaranteed to be pleased. Housed in new large font NGC holder.
Capped Bust  1830 1830
Small 0
Choice $635 Marvelous Preservation, Frosted Luster, Peripheral Aquamarine-Gold. If constructing a set of Capped Bust halves with attractive toning, then this 1830 O-117 example might just be for you. A GFRC new purchase that exhibits frosted luster and active cartwheels. Under a bright light, the peripheral aquamarine and gold toning is quite pleasing. Device high points are lightly worn while the fields are unabraded. The O-117 die variety can be easily confirmed by repunching on the flag of the 5 digit in the denomination. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2022) holder with Overton 117 Small 0 attribution on label.
Capped Bust  1831 1831
Choice $1500 Crusty Patina, Choice Original . Charcoal patina fills the rims while bits of silver color remain evident in the stars and legend. Centers exhibit rose-gray color with deeper shades present at the high points of Liberty. The overall crust is consistent with the John Albanese "look." O-108, with tiny serifs on the 1s, and the 5 tilted to the left. CAC notes 423 pieces total, 83 coins in all Mint State grades, and 66 examples finer. The CAC price guide value in MS62 is $1,500. Housed in a PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2023) holder with CAC approval. PCGS #6159.
Capped Bust  1832 1832
Small Letters
Original $725 Challenging Overton Pairing, Satiny Luster, Untoned, Near-Choice Original, Lakeland Collection. Clearly a better Overton variety, this 1832 O-114 offering is worthy of consideration for its brilliant luster and well preserved surfaces. The obverse luster falls into the satiny realm with heavy metal flow lines into the milling while the reverse is much more steely in presentation. Mint frost is readily evident on both sides with minimal abrasions. The O-114 variety can be attributed by multiple die lines below the right side of the reverse shield. Surfaces are untoned with two micro-ticks on the reverse. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.1 (2020-2024) holder.
Capped Bust  1833 1833
Original $700 Ample Mint Bloom, Steely Frosted Luster, Moderate Cartwheels, Great Grade. Consignor Price Reduction. Light silver-gray surfaces are well preserved on this near-choice 1833 O-108 Capped Bust half. Mint bloom is seen surrounding the stars and date on the obverse and throughout the reverse. Bright light inspection revealed rotating cartwheels. Strike is typical. Silver-gray coloration is probably the result of a quick dip though the luster remains unimpeded. A solid example at the perfect collector grade. Housed in an NGC new large font holder.
Capped Bust  1833 1833

Choice $485 Choice Original, Steely Surfaces, Crusty Brown-Gray, Lakeland Collection. Consignor Pricing Reduction. This is yet another well preserved early type piece that is housed in a venerable ANACS old white holder. A fairly thick brown-gray crust is layered across the obverse while the reverse has diminished skin with steely-frosted luster evident adjacent to the right facing wing. Fields are unabraded while a toned over contact line seen on the cap during 10x review. A quality offering from the Lakeland Collection.
Capped Bust  1834 1834
Small Date, Small Letters
Choice $900 First Use of Hub 8, Steely-Frosted Luster, Mottled Gray, Choice Surfaces. This newly consigned 1834O-116 Capped Bust half features the first use of Hub 8 with a doubled outlined clasp. The obverse is easily attributed by a "worm in the field' left of the breast which in reality appears to be an early recut impression of the breast outline. On the offering, the remaining impression is sharp under a 10x. An unquestionably choice example with steely-frosted luster and lightly mottled coin gray patina. Surfaces are unabraded and pleasing. An ideal lot for the die variety specialist given the strong diagnostics and essentially no wear. Housed in PCGS Gen 6.0 (2015-2020) holder.
Capped Bust  1834 1834
Large Date, Large Letters
Choice $505 Notable Eye Appeal, Steely Radiance, Blue-Gray Colors, Fully Choice, Lakeland Collection. Consignor Pricing Reduction. This 1834 O-101 would be an ideal type piece as well balanced and a sterling representative of the series. Under a bright light, the fields are steely reflective with even gray surrounded by peripheral gold. GFRC images present the in-hand appearance which is a darker rose-gray. The contrast between the two viewing approaches is dramatic and adds another reason for purchasing this Lakeland Collection release. Housed in new large font NGC holder.
Capped Bust  1836 1836
Lettered Edge
Choice $1450 New December 21! Better Overton Die Pairing, Granular Frosted Luster, Rose Blue-Gold, Choice Original. As the lettered edge Capped Bust half dollar series came to a close during 1836, a fair number of better die varieties resulted. This O-120 "Bar Dot" can be easily attributed by a dot to the right of the 6 digit in the date and has been assigned an R4 rarity rating. Along with the scarce die pairing, this piece exhibits granular frosted luster and swirling cartwheels during angled lighting inspection. Rose-blue toning on the obverse and light gold on the reverse certainly enhances the overall eye appeal. A special Capped Bust half that will undoubtedly be a prize in an advanced collection. Housed in new large font NGC holder. Returning to the GFRC price list as a new consignment with the prior record in the Sales Archive.
Capped Bust  1836 1836
Reeded Edge

Original $3900 Reeded Edge "50 Cents" Design Key Date, Grey-Gold Patina, Near-Choice Surfaces, Newtown Collection. 1836 brought a transition year for the U.S. Mint. Branch mints were authorized in 1835 leading to much planning and construction coordination. Steam pressed were introduced and Christian Gobrecht became the Second Engraver after Kneass suffered a stroke. The half dollar design was modified for better strikings with the new steam press equipment. Only 5,000 Reeded halves dated 1836 were struck due to problems with the steam press installation and first strikings taking place in November of that year. The Newtown Collection is releasing his 1836 RE example for your consideration. Steely fields are minimally abraded while the overall coloration is a medium gray with embedded gold. Strike is typical for the date with several partial stars in the right field. Housed in PCGS Gen 5.0 (2015) holder. The backside of the holder has two areas with missing plastic stacking guides.
Capped Bust  1838 1838
Reeded Edge
Choice $600 New November 30! Reeded Edge, Choice Steely Surfaces, GR-1 Die Cracks, Sooner Collection. An unquestionably original 1838 GR-1 that is a somewhat scarce variety to be found unmolested. Dick Graham, in his Registry of Die Varieties of Reeded Edge Half Dollars, points out that this variety is challenging in MInt State, especially the lower Mint State grades. This is the later die state with 142 reeds and acing die crack from Liberty's forehead to the rim and another on the lower reverse through DOL and through UNI(T)ED. Under a bright light, the fields emit a crisp steely glow through natural gray toning. Fields are free of any blemishes when viewed with a 10x. This is a solid piece that will please fans of naturally toned 19th century silver. Housed in a PCGS Gen 4.4 (2005-2011) holder.
Capped Bust  1839O 1839-O
Reeded Edge
Original $4000 New November 30! Key New Orleans Date, Heavy GR-1 Die Cracks, Steely Fields, Sooner Collection. The New Orleans Mint launched its silver half dollar production with the 1839 Reeded Edge issue, which was coined in parallel with the new Liberty Seated design in Philadelphia. A limited mintage of 178,976 strikes, on new steam presses, circulated extensively in the deep south with few saved in Mint State. This leads to the AU survivors being at an "affordable" price point. The GR-1 example offers near terminal die state die cracks along with light steely gray surfaces accented by orange-gold at the peripheries. Fields are free of any abrasions under a 10x. Housed in new large font NGC holder with the Long Island Collection pedigree on the label.